Zenergy appoints Honeybadger as the company’s IR partner

Zenergy AB (publ) has signed an ongoing agreement with Honeybadger AB regarding IR communication services. Accordingly, Honeybadger is appointed as the company’s IR partner focusing on the Swedish market.
Honeybadger undertakes to assist Zenergy with strategic advice as well as the production of for example press releases, annual reports and non-regulatory market communication in Swedish as well as English when needed. The agreement also covers the possibility to conduct PR campaigns targeted primarily at Swedish media.
”Zenergy has taken big steps forward during 2017 and 2018, including framework agreements with prominent real estate companies such as Wallenstam and K-Fastigheter, ongoing establishment of permanent ZIP-Housing as well as ongoing work to substantially increase our production capacity. There was also a need to communicate in a more clear and transparent way with shareholders, investors and media, and in Honeybadger we have found an excellent IR partner that has contributed to successive improvements since the latter part of 2017”, says Zenergy CEO Olle Magnusson.
”We look forward to continue working with Zenergy and to highlight their exciting solutions, that can contribute to a more cost and energy efficient real estate sector, in a fair way. Our view is that the current management has ideas and products that are worth taking into consideration in light of the current housing shortage in Sweden and other parts of Europe,” says Honeybadger’s CEO Johan Waldhe.
Read the press release from Zenergy (in Swedish)
About Honeybadger
Honeybadger AB is an IR communication agency based in Gothenburg, Sweden that enables listed companies to communicate with shareholders, the market, media and other parties of interest in an efficient, qualitative and transparent way. The company primarily works with clients that have the potential to improve the living conditions of humans, animals and nature through scientific and technological advances. Honeybadger is based on 15 years of experience in communication for listed companies and corporations in the financial sector.
About Zenergy AB (publ)
Zenergy was founded in 2009 and is at the forefront in the development housing and other buildings based on modular architecture. The company’s patented ZIP-Element enables time and cost-efficient construction of comfortable housing and other high-quality buildings that fulfil strict EU regulations on energy efficiency, fire safety and moisture resistance. Zenergy is now scaling up its business and has during the latter part of 2017 signed agreements with leading real estate companies such as Wallenstam and K-Fastigheter. These agreements have a total order value of about 50 MSEK with expected delivery during 2017–2018. In addition, a framework agreement worth up to 700 MSEK over five years has been signed with K-Fastigheter. Zenergy’s B shares are listed on Aktietorget under the ticker ZENZIP B.
For more information about Honeybadger AB, please contact:
Johan Waldhe, CEO
Telephone: +46 (0)70 433 59 33
Email: johan.waldhe@hbadger.se
Website: www.hbadger.se
For more information about Zenergy AB (publ), please contact:
Olle Magnusson, CEO
Telephone: +46 (0)707 61 81 33
Email: olle.magnusson@zenergy.se
Website: www.zenergy.se