Welcome to Honeybadger!

We are a quality-focused IR communication agency based in Gothenburg, Sweden focusing on Nordic listed companies and companies in the financial sector.


At Honeybadger, we are committed to highlighting scientific and technological advancements of innovators aiming to improve the life conditions for humans, animals and nature. Our clients are active in areas such as medical technology, biotechnology, green energy and next-generation display technologies.


In connection with right issues, we offer right issue websites via our domain www.ii.se (where “ii” comes from impact investments). They work as a platform for information, filmed interviews and media coverage on the rights issue, offering shareholders and investors a good overview and information on how the company will use the proceeds from the issue.


Honeybadger is taking an exciting step forward as we have acquired Shark Communication to provide a more comprehensive offering to our financial communication clients. Read more

” We create clear and transparent
high-quality communication

IR Communication

Honeybadger’s core business is to assist Nordic companies in creating and communicating their story, in Swedish and English, to shareholders, investors, collaboration partners and the media.

Most of our IR clients are listed on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm or regulated trading facilities in Sweden such as Nasdaq First North and Spotlight Stock Market, but we do not exclude pre-IPO companies by default.


” Innovators aiming to improve our life conditions

Translation & Adaptation

In addition to ongoing translations into Swedish and English for our IR clients, we also work specifically within translation and market adaptation for large Nordic and global companies in the financial sector.

Through these assignments we are constantly updated on how the financial markets change and evolve, which gives us an additional edge in the IR communication field.


” Communicate your story to the market and media

Content Marketing

Newsletters, other publications, films or analytical reports can be excellent tools to reach out to and improve relationships with clients, collaborations partners and the media.

We often create newsletters for our IR clients to deepen and sometimes clarify information on important events. Additionally, we take on specific content marketing projects such as market reports for companies in the Nordic financial sector.As in IR communication, Honeybadger can deliver everything from concept to finished publication in digital or printed form, including interviews with clients/partners and analysis.


” Over 15 years of experience in communication and marketing

About Honeybadger

Honeybadger is an IR communication agency based in Gothenburg, Sweden founded on a legacy from the financial sector combined with a thorough understanding of communication processes and the ability to communicate about complicated projects and products in a simple way.

Our philosophy is that listed companies with healthy business operations and high ambitions has a lot to gain by using clear, transparent, high-quality communication towards shareholders and the market in general. We also want to contribute to something meaningful, so we focus on clients with potential to improve the life conditions of humans, animals and nature.

Honeybadger was founded by our CEO Johan Waldhe, with over 15 years of experience in communication and marketing for listed companies and entities in the financial sector. He has previously worked for a large Nordic investment bank and was the co-founder and co-owner of a financial sector-focused communication agency in Stockholm.


Johan Waldhe

Johan Waldhe


Copywriting, IR, Strategy & Analysis

Jonatan Botin

Jonatan Botin


Translation, Copywriting, PR

Ricardo Samaniego

Ricardo Samaniego

Art Director

Web Developing & Graphic Design

Joakim Meier

Joakim Meier

Graphic Designer


Johan Waldhe

Johan Waldhe


Copywriting, IR, Strategy & Analysis

Jonatan Botin

Jonatan Botin


Translation, Copywriting, PR

Ricardo Samaniego

Ricardo Samaniego

Art Director

Web Developing & Graphic Design

Joakim Meier

Joakim Meier

Graphic Designer
